Why I Love Short Term Missions

I am a firm believer in short term mission trips. I served on staff with a church that had an active investment in missions in the states and overseas. I was able to go to Haiti, Honduras, and Kenya while I served there. At the church I pastor now, we’ve also had a very healthy and active commitment to missions all over the globe. Since coming here five years ago, I’ve been able to go to Thailand and Ukraine. Our church has had partnerships in heavy immigrant populations of New York City, as well as multi-year commitments in Pittsburgh and Honduras. I’m so grateful for the variety of trips and roles I’ve been able to serve while on short term mission trips. As I’ve reflected on my most recent trip to Ukraine, I’ve jotted down a few reasons I believe firmly in the value of short term mission trips.

Mission trips focus the church on gospel work.

It’s tempting to get distracted or busy by rhythmic ministries. Short term mission trips stateside and international refocus the church on taking the gospel with them to those who don’t know Jesus.

Certainly we must take the gospel across the street. If we aren’t gospel centric in our own backyard, what we do somewhere else won’t matter as much. And yet I’ve found that the intentionality of a mission trip can help me (and us) focus the gospel centrally before all we do.

Mission trips invite the whole church’s participation.

Some go, others send, and all can pray. Just as mission trips focus the church on the gospel, they also give the whole church a chance to participate through giving and prayer.

I spoke with one of our senior adults after returning from Ukraine recently. She shared her joy when she could go on our trips in the past, and then she acknowledged that her season in life required her to stay with her aging husband. Not every mission trip is for every person. Certain seasons in life rightly limit who can go. And, all of us will eventually age out of traveling on mission. But all of us—the youngest to the oldest—can participate in support and prayer.

Mission trips are faith stretchers.

From raising funds to stepping out of your cultural comfort zones to doing out of the norm missional work, every mission trip tests your faith.

Important faith questions surface in the preparation and going stages of mission trips. Am I supposed to go? How will I pay for the trip? What will my role on the team be? How will I handle language and culture challenges?  Am I  prepared to share the gospel? What will I do when the unexpected happens?

On my most recent mission trip, I was leading a team with my wife to Ukraine. One of our team members got sick and almost required medical treatment. I assure you I prayed like I hadn’t prayed before on that trip (and I had been praying a lot). Short term missions shake up your routines and invite God to strengthen your faith.

Mission trips help deepen relationships among church members.

When you room with people who aren’t in your family or travel in close spaces for days at a time, you are going to get to know one another better. When you pray together, serve together, and see God move together, it deepens your affection and appreciation for one another.

Mission trips are the fertile soil for God’s call to lifelong missions.

In Ukraine, we worked with Alicia Jones. She’s a missionary with Baptists on Mission and has been serving the Roma people in Romania, Hungary and Ukraine for 11 years. She was called to a lifelong commitment to missions on a short term trip to that region.

I’ve heard that type of testimony over and over. Not all of us are supposed to go overseas for a lifetime, but some are. Short term trips—unlike any other type of ministry—give opportunity for God to crystallize his call in those he will send to the corners of the earth.

Mission trips, especially international ones, serve as helpful mirrors to see our own cultural blind spots.

We can’t help but be influenced subtlety by the world we live in. When we travel where the culture is different, it can help us see our own more clearly.

I’ve been in countries that had a much higher sense of manner and respect for others and ones that had a much lower sense of respect. I’ve been in places where hierarchy and power ruled the day. I’ve stayed in the bush, I’ve gone without indoor plumbing, I’ve seen people bath in ditches, and I’ve eaten strange foods served to me.

The discomforts of overseas helps me reckon with just how used to my American comforts I can be. Even more importantly, I have been reminded of just how blessed we are in the US with a saturation of biblical knowledge when I’m in places where the Word is poorly known or taught.

Each time I travel on mission, I’m aware of just how much God still needs to do in me and how easily I can put myself first.

I love the personal and spiritual shake up a short term mission trip provides. I love watching God work in and through others in faith stretching ways. I love being refocused on the gospel and it’s life giving life transforming power.

I’ll make a habit of short term trips. What about you? Does God want you to go?

SBC23 – A Few Reflections

As I look back on an eventful SBC Annual Meeting, at least five important highlights stand out. 


Our mission focus is one of the most vital reasons I’m proudly SBC. We officially commissioned 79 IMB missionaries to go all around the world with the gospel. The IMB also announced a new effort to pursue the last 3000+ unreached peoples with the gospel. The North American Mission Board celebrated 10,000 church plants since 2010. As we’ve begun exploring church planting at Pleasant Garden, I’ve become even more appreciative for our emphasis and process of raising up and sending out church planters.  Our State EDT, Todd Unzicker, preached this year’s convention sermon. He echoed messaging we’ve incorporated at every level of NC Baptist involvement: “We are a movement of churches on mission together.” His sermon served as a fitting marker for much of the cooperative work of the SBC.

And the mission focus isn’t just macro; it’s micro. In evangelistic events around SBC2023, nearly 400 received Jesus as Savior. Gospel conversations happened all over the city, including a chat I had with Rochelle who grew up Catholic. Pray for her. I believe God’s clearly pursuing her.  The SBC exists to take the gospel to lost people in our neighborhoods and around the world. I’m all in for that. 

Abuse Reform

We are getting it right on addressing sexual abuse allegations among SBC churches. One church that appealed disfellowshipping was overwhelmingly voted from among us for grossly mishandling allegations against their pastor and refusing to cooperate with the SBC Credentials Committee inquiry into the allegations. Additionally, we voted to grant our current task force another year of service to continue development on a working database of sexual abusers to help churches protect their most vulnerable.


An ever rewarding highlight stems from connecting and reconnecting relationally with other pastors and ministry leaders. I enjoyed chatting with fellow NC Baptists, alumni from various schools, and people from places I’ve served. I appreciated the smaller gatherings around locale or ministry focus. It’s obvious God created us for relationship, and the best of that was on display at SBC2023.

Biblically Conservative

Regardless of what you’ve heard or read, the SBC is a biblically and theologically conservative convention of churches who hold to clear biblical principles across the board, especially on church leadership and the office of pastor. A friend and fellow NC Baptist Pastor, Matt Capps, has written an excellent article on this issue. I encourage you to read it here.

SBC2023 clearly undergirded our biblical fidelity regarding the office of pastor on a number of fronts. Two congregations were deemed not in friendly cooperation for having women pastors in lead roles, the Baptist Faith and Message was amended to clarify the office of pastor/elder/bishop, and the convention took further steps toward codifying this doctrinal matter with greater precision in our bylaws. While there has been some discussion and disagreement about the process for clarifying our doctrine, our body of messengers sent clear messages about our overall doctrine on church leadership. 


I was encouraged by the overall disposition of charity at SBC2023 and the messengers in New Orleans. It’s not always the case when a bunch of Baptists get together, but it was true of every interaction and most every observation I had. A big part of that charity was embodied in our President, Bart Barber. His address invited us each to see the good and beautiful through Christ in one another, and he modeled that exceptionally from the platform guiding our business.

I experienced his graciousness first hand. We crossed paths leaving a meeting in one hotel about a 15 minute walk from the main convention center. As I started to walk away, he said, “You are riding with us.” That’s Bart. Kind. Gracious. Unpretentious. Generous. His manner spilled over to so many others too.  Bart was re-elected to serve as this next year’s president by a wide majority. Southern Baptists will benefit as a result. I’m grateful to have him as the face of our convention right now. 

I heard quipped multiple times over the past few weeks, “Given enough time, Southern Baptists get most decisions right.” I believe that’s true. On each of these fronts mentioned, among others, I am thankful to watch the work of God among us. I walked away from SBC2023 grateful for cooperative work and hopeful for a bright future!

SBC2023: A Not-So-Hot Take 

I’m not sure it would be a late spring without an SBC controversy or two leading up to our Annual Convention in June. I plan to go to New Orleans as a messenger from the church I pastor, Pleasant Garden Baptist Church. And as I do, I’ve felt compelled to write to my fellow messengers—most specifically pastors—my thoughts on three key matters before us. I’ll get right to it. 

I intend to reject Saddleback’s appeal

I intend to vote against Mike Law’s amendment 

I intend to vote for Bart Barber’s second term as SBC president 

If you are still reading, these issues have some interest to you. In the following paragraphs, I’ll give my reasoning for each.

First, Saddleback. Many pastors I know have deeply appreciated the influence of Rick Warren and Saddleback over the years. I attended a conference at his church some time back, and I’ve read most of what he’s written. I am grateful for men like him who have the keen ability to speak clearly and compassionately as a pastor into many different arenas. That’s in part what saddens me all the more that Saddleback has chosen to consistently flaunt an apparent defiance of our doctrine on pastoral leadership. I won’t rehash all of that here. It’s easy to find multiple takes on the trajectory of their decisions. I won’t venture to judge motives, but it certainly seems they are intent on their direction regarding the inclusion of women in the position of pastor. By our current SBC structures and procedures, I don’t believe I have any alternative but to vote to reject their appeal to stay in the SBC. I will take no joy in that vote. I wish it weren’t before us. But I’m just not sure how else to address well the posture they’ve taken. 

Next, I’m choosing not to affirm Mike Law’s amendment. In light of what I just addressed about Saddleback, some might naturally presume I would then affirm Mike’s amendment to our SBC constitution. You can read it here. Theologically, I agree with Mike. I’m complementarian theologically. All I can tell, he is an outstanding guy and pastor. However, what’s happened over the past few years—the Saddleback issue included—has seen an unprecedented responsibility granted to the credentials committee of the SBC. As one pastor friend stated recently, “We’ve opened Pandora’s box, and I’m not sure where it will stop.”  

I am fully comfortable with our credentials committee addressing clear sin issues like racism, abuse, and the gender and sexuality errors of our day. However, I’m much more hesitant in empowering this committee to investigate or enforce tertiary (or secondary) doctrinal issues in the same way. Even on important doctrines that identify us as Southern Baptist, I’m concerned this road points us away from a bottom up convention and toward a top down denomination. That trajectory gives me pause.

Now I realize some will see this issue differently. But from my perspective, that’s just the point. I’ve yet to meet a Baptist pastor who has a problem with calling out and addressing churches over clear sin issues. We are far more eye to eye there. In this matter of doctrine, I believe we should go more slowly and carefully. If we end up passing the Law Amendment and adding it to our bylaws (two years in a row at over 60% required), it’s going to establish a significant precedent. It will create an additional layer of responsibility—and power—to the credentials committee. In the current climate in our convention, I’m concerned that attempts could be made to politicize the credentials committee and this process that could irreparably change how the SBC has operated. I’m also concerned that these types of procedures could potentially hijack the annual meeting requiring us to incessantly address churches brought for investigation. 

I much prefer some additional option (like the one proposed by B21 that you can read here). We must be clear and consistent in how we define what “friendly cooperation” and “closely identifies” mean related to important doctrines that distinguish us as Southern Baptist. I believe we should take those steps before we go down the road of  treating the BF&M2000 as a creed on the office of pastor or any other doctrinal area for that matter.

In recent conversations with NC Baptist leaders, a study committee recommendation in 2011 helped us address similar issues with significant results. NC Baptists required our convention employees and entities to adhere to the BF&M2000. They did not make this requirement upon our churches. Yet, as a result of that clarification upon our convention employees and entities, many of the churches with women staff pastors and senior pastors chose to disassociate recognizing the changing direction of our state convention. The numbers in NC of churches with women pastors has dropped nearly 80% in both types of categories. 

Finally, I’m going to cast my vote for president for Bart Barber again. I long to see his second term through. I commend Mike Stone’s longevity in ministry at his current church, and I applaud how he’s been actively engaged in SBC life for numerous years. By many accounts, he’s an excellent preacher. Additionally, I welcome a convention that continually hears and addresses the questions he and others raise about the SBC. 

However, there are three important reasons keeping me from voting for him. First, I can’t get past his decision to sue Russell Moore publicly. I’m not privy to their private disputes nor do I know all the facts on either side of their conflict. What I do know is Mike’s decision to sue (even though he dismissed it himself) has not sat well with me in light of Paul’s words in 1 Cor. 6:1-8 about suing fellow believers. Second, I’m uncomfortable with his church’s decision to escrow CP giving while he’s also seeking leadership in the SBC to “change the direction.” I would venture that many of us pastors would be hesitant to empower a deacon, key committee leader, fellow elder, or other lay leader who publicly “escrowed” or withheld their tithe to change an issue in our churches. Regardless of intent, I’m bothered by the perception. Third, he’s on the record arguing for a different approach to addressing the sexual abuse allegations and the ARITF. My interpretations of some of his words on these matters sound like a redoing of the task force that our convention overwhelmingly affirmed in Anaheim. I do believe we can land differently on the “how’s” and the “what’s” of responding to these allegations. I do believe we can and should be mindful how we move ahead—perhaps even stumble forward—on these matters. But I’m not with Mike here. I voted for the current course and I desire to see it through. 

Against the backdrop of each of these important and complicated issues, I’m so grateful that in June thousands of messengers will gather to cast their vote. Many will cast votes differently than me, and that I applaud. It’s one of my favorite aspects of our Baptist autonomy. I’ll chat with some of them. Perhaps I’ll even share a meal or two with some of those while I’m in New Orleans. 

On the other side of the Annual Meeting, regardless of how these matters play out, I’ll still partner with SBC pastors and churches in local ministries, church planting, and supporting missionaries around the world. I’ll still pray for the SBC. I’ll still attempt to work with those on each side of these issues and work toward a holy unity that I’m just naïve enough to believe Jesus really wants of us. I’ll still celebrate all that we can possibly celebrate together. In a convention populated with both unifiers and dividers, I’m going to pick the unifiers every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I’m also going to attempt to be a unifier myself. If I’ve grown to appreciate anything about my friend Todd Unzicker, our NC Baptist EDT, it’s his constant joy in repeating over and over again, “We are on mission together!” And one day in eternity, what’ll matter most won’t be these areas of disagreement but the centrality of Jesus’ kingdom to all of those who believed on him together for ever. 

The Unveiling

FILE – This Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011 file photo shows the headquarters of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tenn. Leaders of the SBC, America’s largest Protestant stonewalled and denigrated survivors of clergy sex abuse over almost two decades, according to a scathing 288-page investigative report issued Sunday, May 22, 2022. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey, File)

I am still in shock.  As I have read and reflected on the findings of the SBC’s Sexual Abuse Task Force Report, I find a myriad of emotions swirling inside me.  Anger, disappointment, grief, relief, appreciation, and hope have each crept their way to the surface.  

As I have read a variety of responses (see links to responses and summaries below*) from different perspectives on this current SBC issue, a few important themes keep coming up. Repentance. Silence. Lament. Righteous anger. Decisive action. Follow through.

I don’t believe I’ll add anything new to the discussion, but I do know that this unveiling must change us.  The SBC must become different.  The local church must become different.  I must as well.

For me personally, the fact that the SBC Executive Committee had maintained a “list” of offenders and allegations but stonewalled developing an accessible database to protect future victims and churches was most difficult to absorb. In deed, I’m still not over my vitriol about that troubling revelation. The right actions were not done decades ago. More victims and more predators and more allegations mounted. And as they did, more liability mounted as well. A wake of broken lives – unnecessary broken lives – followed from a series of deliberate choices to hide rather than uncover.

May I say to victims of sexual misconduct, assault, and abuse, I am sorry for what has happened to you.  If you were victimized at the hands of a ministry leader, I am sorry for those wrongs you have endured.  If you were hurt by an SBC pastor or ministry leader, I am sorry, and we have failed you.  

Yet in the swirl of emotions of anger and grief, I am also growing in hope for the SBC. Key leaders, victims of sexual abuse, and abuse advocates did not back down. They fought tirelessly, selflessly, relentlessly to see the SBC do the right thing. They worked to see us pull back the curtain and unveil the hideous coverups. They deserve our appreciation and admiration. Truly, there are too many to name, but a few have made an unforgettable impact on me. Lawyer and advocate Rachel Denhollander, abuse survivor Jennifer Lyell, pastor and former SBC President J.D. Greear, and former ERLC President Russell Moore among many others continued to fight for the truth, and now we owe them all our gratitude for their fortitude.

It’s in their work I have seen hope sneak out from behind the curtain as well. It’s hard to do the right thing. It’s especially hard to do the right thing after doing the wrong things for so long. The SBC has just begun to act rightly on this issue. We have many more steps to take, and I pray as we do we will continue to stumble forward. But my hope rises because the SBC is doing the right thing now when the cost is so high. We have taken the first, hardest step. I believe the next right steps should be easier.

As an NC Baptist, I am already grateful that our Board of Directors, EDT Todd Unzicker, and convention leaders have been working proactively to prevent any of these same failures at the state level.  As a pastor, I am already grateful that my church staff has reengaged conversations and next steps to protect our children and students.  As a Christian, I am continually grateful that the Word is always true:

16 “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. 17 For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. 

Luke 8:16-17

Thank God that He is unveiling what’s been damaging the SBC. Through His unveiling, may He forgive us, heal us, and transform us.

*SATF Report Responses and Helpful Summaries:

Russell Moore, “This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse.”

Albert Mohler, “The Reckoning of the Lord.”

Liam Adams, “‘Ignored, disbelieved’: Southern Baptist Convention sexual abuse report details cover up, decades of inaction.”

Brandon Porter, “Baptist Press Apologizes to Survivors, Commits to Serve.”

Kate Shellnut, “Southern Baptists Refused to Act on Abuse, Despite Secret List of Pastors.”

What a Week…

I’m in quarantine. Covid’s come to our house. We’ve been mildly impacted with only minor symptoms. For that I’m grateful. It’s slowed the week down, but it’s not turned the week off. I’ve tuned in just like many of you. For those of us hoping 2021 would be far different that 2020, well, uhm well, not yet.

These few words will not be comprehensive. Much has happened, and much needs to be said. Many wiser than me have and will interact with these events and need to do so. I’m simply expressing three pressing thoughts I haven’t been able to escape.

First, I’m reminded, convicted, and encouraged that the Scriptures will always ring true. The simple yet profound principles of Proverbs 15:1 have been shown over and over again by all sides of this political and media fervor.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Click baiting, race baiting, exaggerating, misrepresenting and lying have all been shouted in the form of “harsh words” from so many different sides. It’s become clear to me that in the world of social media snippets and grab-your-eye videos, we’ve lost the beautiful, mundane, non-pretentious peace of “soft answers” and all of us are paying for it. Christian, please return to the gentle and loving and gracious ways of Jesus in ALL your words.

Second, I’m grieved, concerned, and cautioned by the censorship of our president on Twitter. Regardless of your views of his tweets or words or positions, we enter a dangerous slide when censorship rules the day. We are watching freedoms erode right before our eyes. The loss of our ability to discuss our differences with candor, honesty, and gentleness (see my first thought), has led to the silencing of voices that aren’t wanted or respected. As Dr. Danny Akin wisely warned via Twitter himself,

“I also abhor censorship and any infringement upon free speech unless absolutely necessary. We must be careful and wise: today we applaud the censor of others. Tomorrow they may censor us.”

It’s only a matter of time until we see the the censorship police squelch out other voices they don’t like. That reality should make all of us uncomfortable.

Third, I’m excited, encouraged, and burdened with the responsibility to be about Jesus’ kingdom work. All this stuff tempts us to take our eyes off of the main thing. It’s important we wade through it, pray through it, and weigh it upon the scales of the Word and the Spirit. It’s important we don’t bury our heads in the sand. It’s important we live in the world and not of it. It’s important we are wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

It’s also preeminently important we don’t miss this front-and-center command:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Regardless of president, king, rule, government, context, culture, security, economy, season in life, health, or preference, I’m to be about making disciples. Those words were required of Jesus’ first followers when the religious of Israel sought to crush their movement. They were required of Jewish and Gentile Christians thrown to the lions and murdered by gladiators under Roman persecution. They were required of zealous missionaries like Carey and Judson and Moon who took the gospel to dark, lost nations where — in many ways — religious freedom was non-existent. They were required of slave-owning church members of a bygone day in the US who erred grievously because they were blinded by culture and economic pulls they couldn’t (or wouldn’t see).

These words are now required of Bible-believing followers who lean left on social issues or right on economic issues. These words are now required of Bible-loving Christians regardless of who you voted for, what skin color you have, or what language you speak.

I’m to be about the Great Commission — the work of Jesus making me anew as His disciple and handing that off to others in desperate need of His same transformation and His same grace. That’s got to be front and center. That’s got to have first importance. That’s got to grab—and keep— my attention.

These aren’t all the words needed about this crazy start to 2021. But for me, they are a therapeutic start to keep my eyes and heart in the right place, upon the right focal point, and with the rightly placed zeal. Perhaps you’ll find a little clarity or a little therapy in them too.

It’s Vital. Are You Resting?

Schedules stopped. Travel derailed. Businesses halted. Visits postponed. For many, this season of “stay-at-home” has turned our routines upside down and sideways. Dads usually away are present—now for weeks—around the house. Students at school have become students in school from home. Many moms who would normally scurry to work or the regular routines errands out and about to care for their homes are landlocked.

Certainly, these freezes of schedule aren’t true for everyone. Many essential workers are making the country go, keeping the rest of us well, or seeing the stores are stocked. Many are working harder than ever and need our prayers and encouragement.

What is true for all of us though, is life as we knew it changed a few weeks ago. Life stopped so much so that sports organizations walked away from collective billions to social distance. Governmental leaders closed all types of businesses. Limits have been placed on the number of people who can gather in one place.

All these changes have had an interesting effect on my social media feeds. I’ve seen post after post of hikes through the woods or card games at the table or projects around the house. Families are together more than ever before.

Here’s a question I’m pondering and striving to answer personally, “Did it really take a virus to make us slow down?” What I do know is that time with my family these past few weeks (and the next few) are a gift. What I do know is that God designed us to work and to rest. What I do know is this season is inviting—actually imploring—many of us to rest.

2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” (Genesis‬ ‭2:2-3 ESV)

8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. ‭‭(Exodus‬ ‭20:8-10‬ ESV‬)

Biblical rest (or Sabbath) has a variety of interpretations, and we don’t have space to address them all here. But we can draw a few practical implications from the Sabbath command to cease from our work that speak to right where we are now.

First, when we rest, we honor God by acknowledging His rest after creation. Rest is an act of worship when we chose it recognizing God’s rest. We can intentionally chose in portions of this season to “rest” worshipfully. In a walk around the neighborhood or on an open trail, take in the beauty of God’s creation and praise Him for it. Or write a prayer of gratitude for His ease on your schedule.

Second, when we rest, we recognize our limitations. God didn’t design us to burn the candle at both ends indefinitely. The Sabbath command reminded Israel that their bodies weren’t designed to go and go and go. Intentional rest honors our bodies as God’s gifts to us and cares for them with a healthy perspective on our abilities and limitations.

Third, when we rest, we refuse to make money or time a god. One of the reasons for the American pace of life is a chasing after money and success. Many in our nation act as if Wall Street never sleeps. And in doing so, they’ve traded worship of God for worship of the financial security or power or prestige that money can give. However, those are mere illusions. The halt to so many economic sectors in our nation and worldwide has unsettled many, and reminded us all that financial security is fleeting. When we rest from our work intentionally, giving away dollars to make, deals to secure, or connections that would benefit our bottom line, we realign our allegiance Godward affirming His place above our things.

Fourth, when we rest, we slow down to see one another rightly. Husband, do you know how hard your wife works to keep the house in order while you are at work? Child, do you see the effort your teachers are putting in to make school work as well as possible? Wife, do you recognize how diligently your husband longs to provide for your family well-being? Parent, do recognize the strengths (and limitations) of your student because you are watching them do school from home? Family, are you noticing the needs, expectations, and longings of one another because you actually have the chance to do so? Church member, do you see how important relationships are with one another when they are broken away?

This season is a gift to many. The change up in routine invites us to pause, reflect, rest. It’s vital. Are you resting?

Read more in this series:

It’s Quiet. Are You Listening?

It’s Unsettled. Are You Praying?

It’s Desperate. Are You Seeking?

It’s Important. Are You Connecting?

It’s Opportune. Are You Giving?

It’s Opportune. Are You Giving?

Every spectrum of life and work has been affected by this virus. Our economy has been turned upside down. The U.S. government has taken unprecedented steps to stem the impact on our economy. Blue collar, white collar, unemployed, and retired collectively hold their breath with a “wait and see” on the long term impact on job security, flow of income, or retirement.

It would be easy, even justified, for many of us to pause our giving in a season like this. But I do not believe that’s what God would have of us. Many of our normal channels for “giving” of ourselves have changed. Generosity and stewardship also include how we give our time and energy to others. In a season of “stay-at-home,” those types of ministries must be relegated to the phone or computer.

As I write this, I’m grateful for a church body that faithfully gives—and gives generously. We saw a record offering to Lottie Moon this past Christmas season. We exceeded budgeted giving last calendar year. We quickly and joyfully give to mission needs put before us. I’m also grateful for our church leadership and staff that wisely steward our resources. They’ve helped us prepare for this “rainy day” and will continue to guide us through this season to its end.

I share this with you just to bring before all of us what I believe God would invite us to prayerfully consider. He longs for us to sow generously.

6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:6-7‬ ESV‬‬)

I read this quote the other day, and it’s stayed with me, “Generosity flourishes when we don’t fear loss.” The truth is, many have already experienced (or may experience) “loss” financially from this season. The question for us is, “Do we fear that loss?”

If I’m honest, I’m tempted to fear that loss. I’m tempted to do more than just wisely save and steward. Fear of loss would tempt me to hold resources with a vice grip or hoard them for my own selfish benefit alone. God knows this temptation with me so He frequently pricks this part of my life and asks for me to let go of more. My wife and I evaluated and reset our finances beginning this past January. As a result, we have saved more of our monthly resources this year. As soon as we saw our monthly savings, God nudged us to increase our regular giving. Then, once this pandemic began, He nudged again. I can say with joy, we are giving more and eager to see what God will do.

I am answering the question, “Do I fear loss?” I encourage you to answer it too. The answer to that question will reveal if our trust and confidence resides in our bank account, our 401k, our job security, or our retirement disbursements. The answer to that question will reveal if we truly believe that our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and the hills to boot (Psalm 50:10). It will reveal if we trust in the “riches of His glory” to care for us and sustain us (Ephesians 3:16).

If you’ve hesitated to mail in your tithe or give through your church’s online platform, I encourage you to take that step. If God has nudged you to give more, listen to Him. If He has placed on your heart a ministry or a person or a church or a missionary or a neighbor in need, listen to His direction and give. Maybe you are reading this, and you’ve fallen out of the habit of giving regularly. God may be saying to you right now, “Give and watch me provide for you and demonstrate my faithfulness to you. Trust me with your money.”

Don’t fear loss. Give. Trust God with your today. And your tomorrow. He’s got you.

*For my PGBC Family, you can click here to give through our online platform. Our family set up our giving as recurring. We’ve found it to be the simplest route to giving obediently.

Read more in this series:

It’s Quiet. Are You Listening?

It’s Unsettled. Are You Praying?

It’s Desperate. Are You Seeking?

It’s Important. Are You Connecting?

It’s Important. Are You Connecting?

“Stay-at-home” in our area has had a revolutionary impact in only a few days. We live in the same neighborhood as one of our church members. He’s walked past my house a few times, and each time this week, I happened to be on the phone. Apparently, my front porch has become my “new office” as he put it.

It’s not just the front porch we’ve rediscovered. It’s the back yard and brush needing to be cleaned up. It’s sorting and organizing the garage. It’s kitchen cabinets in need of some tlc. These chores that are sometimes hard to get around to because of scurrying schedules have reminded me that we can easily put them off until later. Sometimes though, we realize we’ve put them off too long.

The lessons in these chores against the backdrop of the “stay-at-home” order has also revealed an even more important truth. We’ve got to connect with our family intentionally. The past few weeks have been marked by a number of reengagements with my wife and son. Card games. Board games. Movies. Walks together. Cuddles. Fishing. Laughter. Joy.

Our closeness has also exposed some of our buttons we sometimes push (or get pushed). Our presence with each other almost constantly means we get each other’s best moments and prickly moments. Marriage and parenting always have their challenges, but when you mix in A LOT more time with each other along with the uneasiness and anxieties this season has birthed, it’s a recipe for some interesting “moments.”

While I’m sure Peter didn’t have my home in the midst of this virus outbreak in mind, his words have been sweet balm and a helpful corrective:

8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. (1 Peter‬ ‭4:8-9‬ ESV‬‬)

Those words must start with our family. The truth is, I desperately need my family. I’m overwhelmingly grateful for them. Many are cut off from grandchildren or children or even spouses because of all the social distancing restrictions or certain careers that force separation. On an even more serious note, some are cut off from loved ones because they are sick. Close hospitality cannot be accomplished right now with many, which makes it all the more important that we get those expectations right with those under our roof.

Those words also press the importance of the “now.” Peter says, “Keep loving one another earnestly.” Earnestly pleads for a zealous effort. A press upon the immediate. In this season where our peace of mind about our health is so fragile, we better be loving those we are living with “earnestly.”We are well right now. I’m going to praise Jesus for that gift! I’m also going to try to live with my wife and son in such a way I don’t take it for granted.

Furthermore, he gives instruction for those interesting “moments.” Love covers our sins and an earnest love helps us ward off grumbling. My guess is, your home has had its share of tensions, complaints, or outbursts. In Jesus, we’ve been given the power of God in us to teach us to bite our tongues, extend generous grace, and reset our emotions before we pop off in unfair or unkind ways at those we love the most.

While you may not be able to be with all those you would like to connect with, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stay in touch. Make a call. Send a text. FaceTime with a friend. Zoom with your Bible study group. Send an email, or go really old school by writing a letter. Check on a neighbor. And while you do, be sure not to miss those right in front of you.

You see, I’m I’m bound to my family. I’m one flesh with Diana. Joseph is our child. We are linked at the hip. We are in each other’s personal space. We are close. Extremely close. I’ve got to be connected to them.

So, are you connecting? It’s important. Especially right now.

It’s Desperate. Are You Seeking?

In this quiet, unusual season, I spent time out by our fire pit in the backyard the other evening. The only noises to ripple the silence were a few humming bugs and the crackling fire. As I sat, I prayed. I prayed for my church family. For our local responders. For our national leaders. For our church’s stability. For our health physically. For the church to seek God.

After some time taking in the fire and spending time in the Word and prayer, I made my way back to the house. Our fire pit is located just inside a wooded area of our back property. We hadn’t turned any lights on in the back, and it was already dark. When I turned from the fire, I couldn’t see the ground, the grown up roots, or the old stumps between me and the backdoor. What I did next, I did without even thinking. I pulled out my phone and clicked on the flashlight option to guide my steps back to the house. I needed to see. Otherwise, I might’ve stumbled or tripped.

Darkness makes us desperate to see. It prompts us to seek out light. It urges us to take care with our steps.

The dark, shadowy veil of this coronavirus has done the same for many. Like a cloudy, thick haze, it’s hindered our sight and blocked out the light for us to see what’s next. It’s put our routines in pause, our resources at risk, and many of our relationships on hold. It’s made us desperate to see.

As I’ve pondered that short walk back to the house, the Holy Spirit whispered a series of verses to my heart:

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalms‬ ‭119:105‬ ESV‬‬)

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Psalms‬ ‭119:11‬ ESV‬‬)

29 But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul. 30 When you are in tribulation, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, you will return to the Lord your God and obey his voice. (Deuteronomy‬ ‭4:29-30‬ ESV‬‬)

When our situations turn desperate and dark, we must turn to the Word to light our way (Psalm 119:105). The Word is the breath and truth of God that gives power to us to obey Him in trying circumstances (Psalm 119:11). It’s the tool God has given us to seek Him desperately when our circumstances have turned upside down (Deuteronomy 4:29-30).

The words of Deuteronomy were given specifically to the children of Israel on their wilderness journey from Egypt. But it’s important we remember that the character and nature of God hasn’t changed toward His people. When tribulation presses us and frightens us and limits us, God beckons us in desperation to seek Him through His Word and obey Him.

Are you seeking Him? Are you listening to His prompts to your heart? As He directs, are you obeying His Word? Have prayer and the Word become your lifelines to His truth, peace, power, and guidance?

God wants our attention. So He’s turned out the lights. He longs for us to long for Him. Desperately. He beckons us to ignite the lamp of the Word to give light to this dark path.

It’s quiet. Are you listening. It’s unsettled. Are you praying. It’s desperate. Are you seeking?

It’s Unsettled. Are You Praying?

The world is unsettled. Everything is different than the “normal” of a mere few weeks ago. In the county and state where I live, we’ve gone from gathering limitations of 100, to 50, to recommending 10 or less, to staying at home. Each decision has been marked with a great desire to stem the pace of this virus’ spread.

What it’s signaled to us: don’t do many things you normally would. Among others, we’ve been told to stop touching our faces, stop visiting one another, stop traveling, and stop gathering together.

I’ve never seen such unsettledness. I’ve never heard such limitations and concerns from our government officials. And I’ve never been more hopeful for what God can do in the midst of all of it.

Why you ask? We can pray. Our schedules have freed up. Our typical confidences have been shaken. For many, financial stability, job security, entertainment/leisure, and good health have been rocked. We must pray.

At Pleasant Garden Baptist Church, we’ve been praying. Before our gatherings paused, we had collected nearly 600 answers to prayer in Prayer Jars across the front of our altar throughout our series on prayer to begin this year. It’s no coincidence we’d been led to focus on prayer. Just this week, as my family has reengaged with each other more intentionally, we’ve seen God answer two specific prayer requests we have prayed together.

In the swirls of uncertainty and change, those two answers have felt like a lighthouse on a dark, foggy night. Those answers have brought reassuring peace in a stormy gale. Those answers have signaled again and anew that God sits on the throne, cares about the needs and burdens of His children, and answers our prayers as we cry out to Him.

We hope many of the don’ts we’ve been told to abide by will shorten the timespan and effect of this virus. It’s likely they will affect it some. For followers of Jesus, prayer is something we’ve been commanded to do that invites us to engage this virus—and everything else for that matter—in a spiritual realm.

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ (‭ESV‬‬)

In all of this unsettledness, a few truths are sure. Prayer invites us to trust God’s hand and seek His peace. I can bring every form of worry and uncertainty to Jesus in prayer. While I have no ultimate control over my circumstances, I have direct access in prayer to the King of Kings, the Sovereign One, the Ruler over all.

In truth, this unsettledness can be a gift if we will realize it’s an invitation to pray to the One who has the whole world in His hands. In prayer, we can trust our days and our direction to Him! We can seek Him for our health and our homes. We can bring to Him both our fears and follies. We can pray!

Practically, I encourage you. Add five minutes to your routine of prayer. Or add fifteen. Take a favorite passage and pray through it. Matthew 6:9-13, The Model Prayer, would be a great place to start. Pray with your spouse. Pray with your children. Sign up with a resource like Bless Every Home. Whatever you do, pray. Just pray.

It’s quiet. Are you listening? It’s unsettled. Are you praying?